My Little Miracle

The exciting story of God's very special gift to Mama & Papa…

The Roller-Coaster Birth of Baby #3

Baby #3 is here!!!!

Let’s just say that it took me longer than I had planned to sit and write this down. Time seems to pass by quicker every day as I go through the 4th trimester and postpartum recovery.

This birth story is very different from the rest because I remember most of it, especially my emotions and feelings that were linked to the sequence of events. Also, I was very “present” at this birth and aware about my surroundings. Not like I wasn’t with the other two. I was a first time mom with Leo, so everything was new and I did now know what to expect. With Evie, her birth was unexpected because I did not know that I’ll go into labour that day. Do read on their birth stories below, and you’ll get a better understanding on my third birth.

Leo’s Birth Story

Evie’s Birth Story

So here goes the roller coaster birth story. Writing here as I journaled on my phone and all photos were taken by me too. Yes, I was THAT determined to document very single event. Don’t know how I did it, but I did! If you’re “icky” on seeing real photos, blood, other birth related realities, please do skip the story as I cannot hide the photos.

21st Feb 2021

My last photo with the connect family and they prayed for me and baby to have a smooth delivery and for all to go well. For God to be in control and that His angels will watch over us. And 2 days later, I was in labour. I really miss my connect family after seeing these pics!

22nd Feb 2021

I posted something on my Instastory this very day, stating that I think baby #3 will be overdue. There was no sign of labour and I didn’t feel any “drop” of the baby into my pelvis. It is a phenomenon called “lightening” which I did feel with Evie back then. I was preparing myself mentally that I may be overdue and not to be anxious or worried, but enjoy my pregnancy while I still can. This day, I slept pretty late at night as I was watching Endgame (Terence and I had Marvel marathon for a few nights already – so happens it was ENDGAME haha). I think it was about 1230am or close to 1am when I finally slept.

23rd Feb 2021


I woke up at because I felt my water broke! Yes, you can feel it. It wasn’t a trickle for me, it was a gush as I changed position. I kinda knew it was my water, but also wanted to make sure. I moved just a little and another gush came. At this point my mind was racing! “Is this really happening? OMG baby’s coming! What? Really? Am I in labour? Should I go to the hospital?” So many things in my mind. And then I remember feeling really sleepy as I just slept like a little over an hour ago. I quickly went to the bathroom to check and true enough, it was indeed my water. My pantyliner was soaked and I took a huge pad and changed my underwear. When I came out, Terence was half awake asking me what happened. I remember my exact words “I don’t wanna scare you, but my water broke.” He was kinda calm and just asked what I wanted to do and I said lets go back to sleep and wait for contractions to pick up. At this point I had no contractions so I told myself to stay in bed and wait till they come. Based on my previous experiences, I knew that if I had gone to the hospital too early, I wont be able to go home and I do not want any unnecessary interventions. As I lay on the bed, dare not to move too much and started googling on waters breaking and then “tried” to go back to sleep. I don’t remember if I managed to sleep or not but maybe for awhile I did.


Still thinking if I should head to the hospital or not. No contractions but A LOT of water kept flowing as I move. When I stood up, a big gush came and it was flowing down my legs! Yikes, I was worried I wet the bed too and dread to clean it up! I remember leaving a trail behind as I walked and asked Terence to help me clean it. My pad was soaked through and I saw the mucous plug (but unlike with Leo and Evie, this one wasn’t bloody at all). I took a shower, changed the pad and told Terence that it’s time to head to the hospital. I know that once your waters break, the chances of infection rises as there is no longer a barrier of protection between baby and the outside world. And you should have the baby within 24 hours or else, you would be induced. When your waters break, baby also has lesser and lesser fluid around.

As I left, I told Terence I wanted MCD breakfast but unfortunately they were closed as they have special operation hours due to MCO. So we head to 7-eleven to get some buns only.


I checked into HKL and waited to be checked. It does take awhile in the government hospital but I did not mind it at all. I knew I was in good hands (I birthed Evie here too) and waiting is good because it allows my body to naturally progress. Once I was in the hospital, Terence could not be with me, due to MCO restrictions (that sucks) but I was prepared for it. I knew I would have to birth alone and all. It did take me awhile to come to terms with that, but it is all good. I knew God is with me and there is nothing to worry about. But for Terence it was hard because he was right there at the birth of the other two kids. Not being there seems “irresponsible” but I assured him that I will be just fine. Video call still works! Hey, thank God for technology!


Finally it was my turn. The doc checked and I was only 2cm (hated how labour is progressed only by dilation) and had a membrane sweep. It was uncomfortable but I allowed it, hoping it’ll help me progress. A swab was taken from my cervix to make sure it was a true membrane rupture and the doc confirmed that the mucous plug has detached. He also mentioned that the baby seems to measure a little small, around 2.8kgs. In my mind, the size of the baby didn’t really matter and if it is small, well, easier to birth! After this, I took the covid RTK swab (which is required by the hospital before admission). For those who are wondering, the covid swam hurts. It gave me a headache for a few mins and my eyes was watering a lot. Probably went so deep into my sinus. I would never want to repeat this again!


A specialist came to check me again and mentioned that all seems fine. She was kind and explained that they will admit me and wait for labour to start naturally. I will be given antibiotics around noon (12 hours after waters breaking) to prevent infection and then given 24 hours before they induce me with oxytocin (or pitocin), which is the hormone that starts labour. These information were true from what I know so I was very comfortable with it. I was induced with the other two kids too, so I was hoping that I will go into labour naturally. 5 minutes later I had my IV line set up on my left hand.


I was told there aren’t any beds available at that moment so I’ll have to wait at the waiting area first. Since there isn’t a time they could assure me, I told Terence to go home and see to the kids. No point waiting for me and at this point I can only see him from the glass (because I took the swab test, I cannot exit the area) and through phone call. I said please GrabFood over MCDs as I was starving and still wanted to satisfy my MCD cravings which I didn’t get at breakfast haha. After eating, I felt very sleepy (didn’t sleep since water broke?) and manage to take short naps at the waiting area while charging my phone. I walked around waiting for surges to come. With Evie, I had surges coming once I had the membrane sweep but this time, there were almost none even after the sweep.


They finally told me that my bed is ready so I can proceed to register at the admission counter. This is usually done by the husband but since Terence went home, I went to do it myself. It wasn’t far but as I was walking, I left a trail of water flowing from my legs. It was VERY AWKWARD. My pad was probably full by this time (changed maybe 4x already?) but I couldn’t stop suddenly. Walking is HARD when your waters have broken. And I didn’t know that a pregnant womb could hold so much water! I paid RM5 for admission fees, LOL. YAY!


I entered the ward, went to the bed, changed and finally managed to rest and nap for a bit. The ward was so spacious, comfortable and nice! Everything looked new and even better than private hospitals in my honest opinion.


At this point, surges were mild and off and on. I felt a little discouraged as my waters broke almost 24 hours already and still no consistent surges. I expected it to progress like how it should from what I read. But really, nothing happened. Surges were so inconsistent, I wasn’t even sure if I was in labour. Except that my water keep leaking, nothing was really happening. I listened to Kingdomcity worship to easy my mind and surrendering the progress to the Lord, and let the Nintendo Switch keep my mind off worries.


I wanted to go to bed. Dropped some Peace essential oil on the pillow and I fell asleep.

24th February 2021


Surges suddenly came on stronger and more consistent as I sleep. I started timing them. I guess when you’re relaxed, your body progress better. This is a true fact that I know NOW as I type this.


Surges were coming every 7-8 minutes, lasting about 1 minute+ at this time. Pretty painful and I practiced breathing between them. Yay for progress. I was getting excited too.

The contraction app that I used to monitor the surges.


Surges started to slow down a lot and then almost none. To be honest, I was quite confused at this time. What is happening to by body? Why am I not progressing? Is my baby ok? Frustration and tiredness sunk into me.


I slept from 646am till 720am and NOTHING HAPPENED. I felt very sad and I cried. So much. I felt as if my body has failed me. When friends texted to ask about my updates and condition, I was upset. I was upset that I had nothing to report. I already updated that I wasn’t progressing and they still asked questions that wasn’t really helping me at that point. I was angry, frustrated, sad and just so disappointed. The other 2 ladies that checked in together with me already had their babies! One at 1130pm and another at around 4am. And they were admitted not because of their waters breaking, but just low fetal movement, but they ended up having their babies so fast. I saw them being wheeled back to the ward after labour and was in disbelief! So quick and so easy for them. At this point my mind was so clogged and I just needed to cry it out.


More water leaked as I walk. I went to the nurses station and ask for a pad and got reprimanded for not bringing my own. I said I didn’t expect to still be here leaking as it is already the next day and my pads were all used up! I was past 24 hours and I kept feeling worried about infections. The doc that came to check told me that it is ok as long as baby’s heartrate is fine (they check me every 3 hours or so) and told me that my cervix is still thick and only 3cm. She also said that they will induce me once the labour room is free (there are many other mothers going into labour too in government hospitals, so waiting is pretty normal. But in cases like birth, waiting is good for your body to progress naturally instead of trying to intervene with unnecessary procedures). I wanted to be induced right away because of the 24 hour period but I had to continue to wait. Feeling as defeated as it is, I was extra sensitive and just wanted to cry.


I video called Terence and couldn’t hold back my tears. I think I never cried so hard before in a long time. Like, really, really cry because I feel so helpless. I was worried because it’s been over 24 hours, I was scared because I was alone. What if induction didn’t work? What if I ended up with a C-sec because her heartrate starts dropping? Contractions from being induced are really strong and I was just scared and all over the place. We prayed and then just left it to God. Because His timing is perfect, right? His thoughts are higher and I just needed to trust Him and trust that my body will do it. Easier said than done. The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. I kept on walking and even squatting whenever I could. I walked to see other newborn babies and spoke to my belly a lot.


Terence came to pass me some food. The food at the hospital is pretty bad. Just the main meals and if you want anything else, you’ve gotta bring it. I only packed a snack bag and those buns which we bought from 7-eleven, BECAUSE I didn’t know that I would not have a baby by the end of the same day and through the next day! I requested for cream crackers, milo, plain bread, cup noodles and a cup and spoon.

They drew this for me and Terence sent it over ❤


The nurse came and asked me if I had eaten dinner and I said no. She said “Well, you eat your dinner first, because after this you will go to the labour room”. “WHAT? NOW?” was my expression. I guess I was so down the whole day and didn’t expect that by evening I’d be birthing! I was still full from the tea time snack I had – apam balik! Which was given to me by the other patient whose mom came to pass her hot snacks. I told the nurse I am hot hungry and she said you better eat some because you need the energy later. Feeling slightly excited, I ate a few spoonfuls of my meal and got ready to go.

So delicious!!!


Finally entered the labour room and got hooked up to the CTG machine and another IV line for Pitocin. I prayed for blessings. For the nurse, the midwife, the doctor, the paediatrician, the environment, the equipment, basically whatever I could remember.


The marathon begins. I asked the nurse midwife A LOT of questions just to keep my mind busy and I learned a lot of things about the hospital and induction/birth processes. She started me off at 4ml of Pitocin, as they will gradually increase it depending on how my body is reacting to the contractions. Surges were mild and I was 3cm. According to the doc again, my cervix is not effaced and “very thick”. I hated what I hear but honestly, after this third birth, I KNOW my body much better and I wont be affected by the words anymore (if I ever have a 4th child?!?!). Having a thick cervix usually means your body isn’t progressing, but just read on.


Pitocin was increased to 16ml and things started to pick up! Contractions were every 8-10 minutes, similar to what I experienced the night before.

815pm or 830pm

Pitocin was increased to 24ml! I was shocked when she increased it but I just had to trust them. From here, active labour started. Surges were every 3-4 minutes and I had 4 contractions in 10 minutes! Oh the pain and mind game I have to tell myself and reciting positive birth affirmations in my head!

Funny tho while all this were happening, I was asking the nurse about epidural and how much it would be. I didn’t know that government hospitals also allow epidural if the patient asks for it. All these were happening between surges, haha! Well, in those moments, I was really thinking to myself – should I try asking for the epidural? Since it isn’t that expensive, should I just try it? This is my last baby, maybe just for experience? I was seriously thinking about it as the pain was so strong when it comes. LOL. The nurse asked me again “So you want or not? If yes, I go and call the aesthetician”. I said never mind, I’ll just take the gas. I remembered that epidural or any other form of pain killers will also affect the baby and the progress. I do not want to end up with a C-sec so again, I told myself that my body completed the process before -TWICE! IT can do it again! I kept proclaiming that “I am built to birth” and “I labour not in vain, but in peace” and picturing holding baby in my arms very soon.


Contractions were OVER THE TOP at this stage. I breathed the gas in and exhale with J-breaths and my back was hurting so much. Surges were VERY STRONG and crazy painful. I felt the pressure very low and picturing baby’s head descending even more, roses opening and all that stuff. I had my phone with me all along and I video called Terence here. YES I VIDEO CALLED WHILE IN LABOUR. Now I sound like some super-human! I told him to please pray for me as the pain was getting so bad and that baby will be alright. I remember Leo saw the gas mask and asked what was that. It does look like some cool gear.


I voice messaged Terence and my sister to PLEASE PLEASE PRAY for me. Surges were sooooo strong and I had the feeling baby is gonna come VERY SOON! The nurse emptied my bladder and asked if I wanted to be checked (how nice it is to be asked rather than forced VEs! I appreciated this so much!). Her face changed when she checked. I ask her if she feels the baby’s head and she said yes, its low now but still about 6cm only. OK, what’s with this 6cm?!?! At this point is where I TRULY UNDERSTAND my body now. I had flashbacks and similar experiences with Leo and Evie. The doc went home when he saw me at 7cm and said he will be back in 2 hours and Leo was born 45 minutes later. With Evie, they told me I was 6cm ONLY but I already felt like pushing and less than 30 minutes, she was out. I told the nurse, I think I’m gonna push real soon!


With each contraction, I felt like bearing down and pooping already! The nurse midwife was asking me like if I was sure I wanted to push already or if I wanted to get checked again etc. But honestly I couldn’t hear her. My eyes were closed most of the time and really being present with every surge that comes. I could barely talk at this point and only could do sign language. I told her wait one more surge (in sign language) and struggling to fight it and not push. In case you’re wondering, if you’re birthing without any pain killers, you can feel EVERYTHING and the urge to push comes naturally, you cannot resist it! I finally said I’m gonna push, it’s coming!!!!


She was getting the birthing kit ready, apron, gloves and all and I told her to hurry! LOL. I was already bearing down and she asked me to turn to my side for a bit. BAD IDEA. I turned to the side and the surge was even stronger and I could feel baby’s head coming. I NEED TO PUSH ALREADY! So I quickly turned back and allowed my body to push. She said “Tunggu Puan” = “Wait miss”, and I said I can’t!


One push and baby’s head was crowning. I could feel the ring of fireeeee but this time I wasn’t afraid of it as I did with Evie. I trusted my body to open and stretch. The burse midwife ran over and she didn’t even have gloves on because it was sooooo fast. She was telling me that she “tak sempat” and baby’s head is there. She helped me hold the perineum (to prevent me me from tearing – Thank God!) and the whole time my eyes were closed.


She said “Ok, 123 pushhhh“. I pushed two times, hard, and baby’s whole body was out! IT’S A GIRL!!! I was ecstatic and finally opened my eyes. Quickly grabbed my phone and snapped these pics and a short video. Yes, I DID take my own photos but I didn’t have a choice. I was alone and I needed them for memory. I would not pass that chance as I may never experience this again. I am SO GLAD I did and thankful the hospital did not stop me! I sent the photos to Terence straight away and he was so shocked that baby was out already. He thought it was a random baby video but it was my voice. Once her cord was cut, she was placed on my chest. I was in awe and I remember looking a that perfectly formed baby finally in my arms.


The after birth was quite a bad experience compared to the birth. Once she was out, I felt gushes of “liquid” flowing out a lot and I asked what was it. They told me it was blood. I had a mild hemorrhage and a whole team of doctors/nurses rushed in to help. I only remember one of the doctor saying “massage her belly” but she was punching my belly like some punching bag and it hurt so bad. Pressing so hard right after birth is no joke. I felt gushes and gushes of blood flowing out and I could barely breathe. At this point they had taken baby to check her status and weight.


The worse experience I had have not ended. I couldn’t breathe well, I was shivering and in so much pain. My stomach was still a punching bag and I was still bleeding. I forgot what time it ended but I cried out loud when the doctor pressed so hard. Once it was finally under control, the whole team left and it was just me, baby and the nice nurse midwife.

1100pm-past midnight

She cleaned me up and told me I had no tears! She was so kind and helped baby to latch on for her first breastfeeding moment. I rested for awhile but I was feeling very weak and cold and dizzy (probably from blood loss as well). Felt worse than running a full marathon and I was so sleepy. When I turned over, BOTH my IV lines came off. I must’ve held on so hard while they were helping me with the hemorrhage that the IV line (deep in my veins) on both sides came off! Scary but funny at the same time. The burse even said “AIYO, MACAM MANA BOLEH JADI MACAM NI” because I still needed those fluids in my body. The nurse and another doc was discussing on how fast baby came from 6cm just a few minutes when she check (Yo, my body can push at 6cm ok. AND I always had a thick cervix, so…) and not even enough time for her to prep the birth kit and wear her gloves. These conversations I could hear but I was very sleepy and my eyes were shut and like going in and out of sleep.

25th February 2021


They checked me one last time and wheeled me and baby back to the ward.


I was back at my bed and I called Terence just to update him. But I think I cannot remember what I said or anything because I was very tired at this point but also running high on adrenaline. I manage to sleep after that.


I woke up and walked to the toilet to change the pad and wore my underwear. I could walk a bit, slow but I was glad to be able to get up and not faint. My lower back was aching really bad. I was also very hungry (because my last meal was that half eaten dinner at 630pm) so I ate a plain slice of bread and went back to nurse and sleep.

So there you have it. The roller-coaster birth of Josie Grace. Roller-coaster because it was really up and down and nothing as planned. She was born 44 hours after my water broke and really a new experience altogether. But this birth I consider pleasant and I learnt a lot about my body. I know how my body react to birth and just how my cervix and birth canal is. I also consider it a fast birth (not counting the time my water broke and those surges that were so inconsistent) because it started around 8+pm and she came out at 10+pm.

I was so fascinated by the umbilical cord and glad I got this shot! The lifeline of your baby in the womb where nutrients and oxygen passes through. You can see the veins/blood vessels in the opaque looking cord! How amazing is our God who created all these!

I am so thankful and grateful because I was able to be present mentally during the whole process, being very aware of what is going on and also that God had it all planned. He has brought both of us safely out of birth and she is healthy and I am healthy even with that milk hemorrhage. I hope you enjoyed reading this LONG birth story and have learnt something as well. Thank you for reading and keeping it real (with real photos and all) and being apart of my journey.

More updates soon on some postpartum and newborn experiences, after I catch up with some sleep and get into a good routine.

Welcome to the Quackafamily Baby #3!!!
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The Third Trimester

I am looking at the calendar as I write this, to remember when was my third trimester because time seem to just fly by these days! So my third trimester started on December 8th – 28 weeks pregnant. I know I had said this many times – but OMG, I really cannot remember much until I look at photos to see the events and occasions that happened during that period of time. Having said that, I would say that I did enjoy my third trimester, despite the final month being so hard. I enjoyed that I get to rub my belly as it was definitely visible at this time and enjoy prepping for the little one. If you noticed, it is in part tense, which means BABY IS ALREADY HERE as I am sitting down writing tonight. Baby is now 2 weeks old, and I am finding it hard to find time to really have the mood to write. Here I am, telling myself that I need to pen these down because I know my future self will thank me for it. I know you’re excited, but the birth story will be updated soon, I promise! And it’s gonna be a juicy one too!

Back on topic. If I had to chose between the trimesters, I’d rather go through the hardships of the third trimester than the first. If you hadn’t read about my first trimester experience, you can read it here. The first was far worse and I would never want to relive those sick days – AT ALL. I do not actually have much journaled in my notes on the third trimester except towards the end where I experienced a lot of discomfort. So I guess it was a great trimester and I will just share pictures as I go along growing this baby. Lots and lots of pictures!

I only remember making A LOT of soap during this season because of the huge Christmas release that I had, and then later on experimenting and perfecting the Bubble Bars in January. Perhaps I was kept busy with soaping, everything went by quickly.

8th December 2020

Even our pets wanted to be part of it!

This is how we “celebrate” entering the third trimester. I saw a photo on Instagram and wanted to remake it. I didn’t like how I looked but oh well – it is what it is! All in all, I had learnt to accept and respect my body more (as compared to my previous pregnancies) and I have a lifetime to lose it all later on.

12th December 2020

We celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary on the 11th and the Hongs took us out for dinner at Lala Chong. Oh how we love our Connect family! It felt just that day we were enjoying crabs but it has been almost 3 months ago already.

24th-26th December 2020

It is Christmas time and we spent them with our loved ones. This year was so different because of the pandemic, but I am grateful to be able to host dinner for my family and also cook up a storm in the kitchen. The kids would be the ones who enjoyed the most, decorating gingerbread men and opening presents. By the end of the new year, I remember feeling so exhausted that my feet would hurt when I lay down at night, due to standing the whole day. Top right – my view of the kids hugging baby #3.


Prenatal appointments now are bi-weekly and a belly shot at the clinic is a must. Met up with my business partners just a couple of days before the new year and Evie took this shot of me just before I left.

3rd January 2021

We went downtown to have dinner and walked Pavilion for a bit. Almost 32 weeks here but it felt like just yesterday. I know, I need to stop saying how time flies, but I cant help it as I write this. It is too scarily fast because I remember every detail on that day to Pavilion.

15th January 2021

The weather was so hot and I was finally convinced to go into the pool with the kids. I had bought this swimsuit sometime in July, when I was in early pregnancy, but it didn’t fit when we went to Perhentian in September (you can read about my second trimester here) and suddenly it fits great at 34 weeks! I only wore this twice! Bubble baths are fun. I am so glad to be able to make such a product line for my home based business despite being so heavily pregnant!

29th-31st January 2021

As you can see from this pic, the pregnancy was starting to take a toll on my body. I couldn’t sleep well at night, aches and pains all over, and stabbing jabs on my cervix started really frequently. I had to sit cross legged on the bed and change positions very often in order to relieve some of the discomfort. I experienced some painful contractions on the 29th too. It did not last long but the pressure down low was real. I had some freelance work that came in from theAsianParent so I accepted the job to keep myself busy and working off the discomforts of the home run.

February 2021

This month started off with super painful jabs on my cervix. I cant really describe this feeling but it is internal. It feels like something is pressing on your lady parts and rip you open. It feels like someone punching your insides (the baby’s head engaged) and you need to pause and hold your VJJ for abit. TMI, but that is how I’d explain it.

Daddy went to work on the 2nd and I had a huge soap order to ship. At this stage, I find it difficult to carry stuff and walk far but I had to do it anyway. Carried 2 huge boxes to ship, worked on the freelance job, packed orders, picked Evie from school, and arranged the breast pump to be serviced. I feel like a super mama on this day!

7th Feb 2021

I had an unfortunate incident with J&T Express where they lost my biggest parcel worth RM700+ of Bubble Bars. Honestly, I was very upset but I also needed to reimburse the customer. Business is business despite how I was feeling. So I spent the day remaking those orders and sent them out the next day. I remember my back was aching so badly from standing and then bending over to do the soap dishes. Once I was done, it felt so good to stretch and lie down for a bit.

11th-13th February 2021

CNY season is here. I went for a hair cut on CNY eve once the salons were allowed to open and very glad I did so. I had a trim and wash and it felt so good after a long time. My last salon visit was October 2020. It definitely felt refreshing after that needed haircut before I pop. In the evening, we had our CNY eve dinner with the Loy family and I felt so happy and blessed that we could all meet together. We had no photos on this day but it was a memorable one with great conversations and fun. The next 2 days, I decided to cook for the Lims family lunch and also dinner with some of our Connect family. It seems crazy to cook up a storm in late pregnancy, but I have to say I enjoyed it. It kept me busy although it was VERY tiring. I rested 2 days after that busy weekend. Braxton Hicks contractions visited me a few times a day and I was using the toilet many times too. My belly was getting so huge so fast in this last month and one of the signs of early labour is your body releasing all the waste by going to the bathroom ever so often. I was convinced the baby is about to come very soon.

As I kept on waiting, the next week, new stretch marks started to appear. I did not have any extra (except from previous pregnancies) but suddenly by week 38, more and more started to “extend” from the old one. They weren’t painful or itchy but it looked like a wound. I was so happy for not having any extras thus far, but my joy was short lived. However, I am glad that we took the maternity shots before these marks appear.

One thing I had also noticed in this pregnancy which I did not experience in my other pregnancies was my belly button! I have a pretty deep belly button and it doesn’t “POP OUT” like some people. But this time, it didn’t really pop out but it started to protrude at the top. Weird, but so obvious. So this one was new and the kids would always ask what was happening to my belly button!

I am going to stop here as my next update is close to Labour/Birth Day already. With all the aches and pains of the home run, I felt very empowered that I managed to get a lot of things done before I pop. We manage to set up the cot, cleaned the house, cook up a storm, shipped tons of soap orders etc. These memories seem to fade away as I now hold my newborn in my arms. I can’t wait to share more with you especially my birth story. Stay tuned for the next blog update!

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